Table 6.1b – Main Heating System By Dwelling Type

 Number of households by type of dwelling
Single detached houses Double / Row or Terrace / Duplex Low-rise apartments High-rise apartments Mobile homes Don’t know / Not stated
Dwelling with a central heating unit or heating unit used by their household only
Dwelling unit 8,933,259 A 1,897,835 A 1,348,437 A 738,833 A 161,709 A 477,455 A
Central unit - - - U 385,579 A 543,055 A - - - U
Don’t know - - - U 105,281 M 157,108 M - U - U
Not stated - - - U - U - U - U - U
Main energy source used for heating
Electricity 1,966,376 A 690,287 A 1,076,092 A 697,916 A 54,125 M 208,143 M
Natural gas 4,751,571 A 991,487 A 300,251 A 248,593 M 55,786 M 191,856 M
Heating oil 354,309 A - U - U - U - U - U
Wood 410,267 A - U - U - - - U - U
Propane 193,646 A - U - U - U - U - U
Other 39,774 M - U - U 118,954 M - U - U
Dual source 555,323 A 132,580 M - U - U - U - U
Don’t know 142,233 A - U 138,356 M 158,577 M - U - U
Not stated 519,761 A 53,974 M 156,808 M 199,128 M - U - U
Type of main heating equipment
Furnace 6,024,820 A 1,182,465 A 158,286 M 330,170 M 97,006 M 247,110 M
Boiler 466,115 A - U 428,102 A 370,680 M - U - U
Heating stove (burning wood, pellets, corn, coal …) 431,724 A - U - U - U - U - U
Electric radiant heating 118,229 A - U 154,127 M - U - U - U
Electric baseboards 1,215,470 A 526,703 A 977,931 A 531,045 M - U 190,385 M
Gas fireplace 67,653 M - U - U - U - U - U
Heat pump 515,121 A 42,521 M - U - U - U - U
Other 94,127 M - - - U - U - U - U
Don’t know - - - - - U - - - - - -


The letter beside each estimate classifies its quality as follows: A–Acceptable, M–Use with caution, U–Too unreliable to be published.


2019 Survey of Household Energy Use